During the last two week for mathematics we have been busy learning how to tell the time on a digital and an analogue clock. To help us with our learning we have been drawing clock faces outside on the concrete and using them to help us practice counting the minutes around the clock. We have also had lots of fun pretending to be the hands of the clock and showing different times.
We were very lucky to have Daniel, a St. John's Officer come to school and take a session with each class. This session covered things such as dialing 111 and asking for the correct emergency service, identifying dangers and bandaging a badly bleeding wound and then elevating it until help arrives.The children really enjoyed learning and practicing these skills.

On Tuesday we went to the big student
common room and Daniel from St Johns came to teach us about first aid. We took
iphones and books. We pretended to call 111 and then we took bandages and towels (sort
of). Then Daniel showed us a picture and we had to find the big emergencies
like a girl drinking poison and a boy walking alone to the park. After that we
were learning that doing stuff that might kill you is not allowed because it is
dangerous. We were very excited. That was a very fun day. We pretended to call 111
and they asked if you need fire, ambulance, or police. And they also will ask
your address, phone number, suburb, and what happened? Then we did first aid -
plug it, wrap it, and lift it up!
By Adu
Yesterday room twelve went to the
Student common room and we learnt to ring the police, ambulance and fire if
there is an emergency. We learnt if someone has a big cut on their arm or leg
and is bleeding we put a plug on, wrap it with a bandage, and lift it up. We
should say our address and phone number and suburb. Heaps of people get hurt in
Hamilton. We learnt first aid with Daniel. If someone is speeding it is dangerous.
We are learning our suburb. St Johns are helpful. Daniel is part of the
ambulance service. We know we can ring if someone is hurt. Some people speed
and police catch them and put them in jail. Police can go into houses because
they stayed at their houses.
By Austin
We went to the student common room to
learn about St Johns and they told us how to be safe when people are being
dangerous. Daniel from the St Johns company showed us a picture of fire and
police and ambulance. He showed us how when people have bleeding wounds you plug
it, wrap it with a bandage, and lift it. When you have an emergency you have to
call 111. They will ask you your address, the suburb and city you live in, and
your phone number.
Daniel came to our school so we can
learn about first aid for emergencies. He taught us how to fix ourselves and we
walked slowly to the student common room. Daniel works for St Johns and he said
if your friend is sick or in danger you will call 111 and they will say do you
need fire, ambulance, or police? They will also ask you your suburb, your
address and your phone number. If you are bleeding you need to plug it, wrap it
with a bandage and hold it up.